Incest Flix? Ever wonder what might occur if Netflix began including "forbidden" or "incest" porn? Indeed, you need not to ponder any more. You've discovered it in The logo, even, utilizes a similar intense textual style and notable red lettering, perusing "Incestflix" on the highest point of the page. I'm amazed the proprietors of this pornography aggregator site hasn't got a quit it letter from the video spilling monster. I can't envision that Netflix would be wild about their image being utilized for incest porn. Or on the other hand, who the screw knows, possibly they're all uncle fuckers over at Netflix and they cherish it. The name and the logo (and dark foundation), be that as it may, are the place the similitudes between IncestFlix and Netflix stop. The site's format is not normal for some other cylinder or aggregator site I've at any point seen. Rather than breaking their included recordings into various classifications (as of late included, most saw, highlighted, and so on.), they present you with a lot of irregular thumbnails on the landing page. You likewise don't have a rundown of pages to navigate. They have inevitable the run of the mill cylinder site configuration for a heap of 20 or so thumbnails, with a "revive" catch at the base. Good karma sparing your spot to return to a specific thumbnail later on. Each time you hit invigorate, you get another heap of similarly irregular recordings. From the hop, I am a long way from an aficionado of the manner in which this site is spread out. Why make my life any harder? It ought to be your activity as the proprietor of a pornography site to enable me to explore your substance. Another bizarre thing about the manner in which the recordings are spread out on this site is that they show up as a gathering of screen captures, instead of the standard single video screen capture that possibly gives you a review on the off chance that you drift your mouse over it. Over the pack of recordings to browse, you can flip menus to be indicated either "being watched," "most recent," or "irregular." Even however the outcomes look pretty screwing "arbitrary" in any case. Exceptionally irregular web composition here, and it doesn't especially appear to satisfy for them. The disappointment over the format is some way or another intensified in light of the Netflix correlations that they are obviously asking for.